Friday, July 20, 2007

Yay, I'm a blogger!

Hi everyone... i don't really have anything exciting to say right now but i wanted to try this because it looks fun and i think it will be cool to see how long i can keep this sentence running on and still making sence while i am sitting here in the Harold B. Lee Library thinking that I really don't want to read anything for statistics because there's just a lot to read and it's really getting harder to focus as the days get closer to being done, you know? ha, you thought that was going to be a statement, didn't you? :) Well, I love you all and it's fun to have a blog. I will add more interesting things later.
love, Julia

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Changes in the wind

Last night, the cool air that was trying to come in to our house was tinged by the smell of the Milford Flats fire. It made my throat feel very dry.

We got approved for the apartment. We just have to fill out some paper work and wait for the place to open up in the middle of August. Technically, we can move in on August 17th, but I think we will be in Provo for Julia's Graduation at that point. So, good news! We'll have more space in less than a month! And Johnathan won't be sleeping in our room any more. Yeah!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Daily happenings

I love how my day is pretty much defined by what Johnathan does. Yesterday, Johnathan displayed a new skill. He started grabbing his toes. It's the coolest new toy for him. He kept trying to get them into his mouth, but that just wasn't going to happen. He has been growing by leaps and bounds, in pretty much every way. He's even started smiling at himself in a mirror.

In other news, Greg and I applied for a new apartment today. The cost of living will stay about the same, but we add about twice as much space as we currently have. It's a nice three bedroom apartment in a housing development with lots of other young marrieds. It should be good, if we get approved. We'll know by tomorrow morning, hopefully. If we do get in, we'll be moving in the middle of August. Yeah!

Other than that, not much going on in Cedar City. Still plugging along.

Missing picture of kayeleen

I don't have a picture of Kayeleen on my flash drive. I'll add her picture from Jodie's computer tonight.

The cave

Did you check out the pictures on the right? We are a muddy mess from the cave. That was so much fun you wouldn't believe it.

Let's give this a try

I am so ready to come home. I still don't know if I'll get everything done . Ugh. Only two more days... two more days...two more days..

Actually, it's mostly been really fun to go to school and not have to worry about anything else. School is interesting and my cohort is fun.